How to pass Command Line Argument in Turbo C++ Compiler

Pass Command Line Argument in Turbo C++

The following are the steps to execute a program with Command Line Argument inside Turbo C & C++  Compiler. 

1. Open Turbo C++ Compiler 

Open Turbo C++. If you don't have, you can download Turbo C++  Compiler form here.

2. Write a Program

Following is a simple example which checks if there is any argument supplied from the command line and take action accordingly.  

How to pass Command Line Argument in

3. Compile & Run Program 

When this code is compiled and executed by Turbo C++ Compiler, it produces the following result.  

                one argument expected.

4. Open DOS Shell 

Now open Turbo C++ File Menu ( Shortcut to open ALT + F) and select the DOS Shell option.

Download latest version of Turbo C++

5. Change Directory 

Now you need to change the current directory of DOS Shell to "SOURCES" from "BIN", for this you need to user cd.. command. 

  • First, use cd.. for coming back to Turbo C++ main directory.

  • Now use cd SOURCE to access the source directory. 
                 cd SOURCE 

change the current directory of DOS Shell

6. Execute Program with Command Line Argument 

       ARGS.EXE testing 
Here ARGS.EXE is the executable of your program ARGS.C and testing is a Command Line Argument. When you'll hit the enter, it produces the following result.  

The argument supplied is testing

How to pass Command Line Argument


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