Turbo C++ Error - Unable to Open Include File 'STDIO.H'

Unable to Open Include File 'STDIO.H'

This problem occurs due to the wrong configuration in TURBO C++ dictionaries.

Turbo C++ Error

Follow these steps to fix the problem -

Step 1 - Download and open Turbo C++.

Step 2 - Go in option menus.

Step 3 - Then in directories...

Solve common Issues of Turbo C++ compilers

Step 4 - Replace the directories with following... 

  • Include Directories - C:\TURBOC3\INCLUDE
  • Libaraies Directories - C:\TURBOC3\LIB
  • Output Directories - C:\TURBOC3\SOURCE
  • Source Directories - C:\TURBOC3\SOURCE

Turbo C++ compiler include directories

Step 5 - Finally click OK and finished processes. It will now properly work #allaboutprogramming62.


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